Prospects for Developing Community Foundations in South Caucuses and International Experience
This conference, sponsored by the Community Development Journal, with support from the Third Sector Research Centre (University of Birmingham), took place in Tbilisi on 5th April 2013. The session brought together community groups from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to explore the potential for Community Foundations and Asset Based Community Development in the Caucasus.
From this page you can download a report and agenda from the day, as well as powerpoint slides from the presentations that took place on the day.
Annex 3 - Community Foundations and Asset Based Development presentation
Annex 4 - Experience of Community Work in Armenia presentation
Materials now available from the Mental Health Special Issue Launch
8 May 2013
A report and presentation slides are now available from the CDJ Mental Health and Community Development Special Issue Launch Event. You can access them for free here.
Mental Health & Community Development - Special Issue Launch
2012 saw the publication of the Community Development Journal's first ever Special Issue on Mental Health and Community Development (Volume 47, Issue 4).
A widely advertised and free launch event was held in London on 7 December 2013 to celebrate this publication and explore some of the key themes in the issue.
From this page you can download a report from the event and powerpoint slides from a number of the presentations.
Mental health and community development - deepening the relationship....?
Dr Lynne Friedli
Towards a paradigm shift from community care to community development
Mick Carpenter and Thara Raj
A 'bold but balanced' approach
Patience Seebohm
The Capabilities Approach, Adult Community Learning and Mental Health
Lydia Lewis
Madness and Civilization: Starting a dialogue with and about madness in Ireland
Lydia Sapouna
Cumulative Index of Articles
12 April 2013
In 2000 to mark the Millennium the CDJ Board commissioned Gary Craig, then the Editor of the Journal, to produce a complete Cumulative Index of articles and reviews published between 1966 when the journal started, up to and including the year 2000.
At the time only hard copies were produced but we are pleased to announce that now a scanned version of this extremely useful resource is available for download by subscribers on the main Community Development Journal website.
Launch event update
5 April 2013
The launch event in December for the Special Issue on Mental Health and Community Development was a great success, with many thought-provoking contributions from speakers and attendees alike.
We will soon be uploading resources related to this event, including a full report and powerpoint slides from the day.