Commons against and beyond capitalism?
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Commons against and beyond capitalism?

28th May 2015, Cork

Organised by in association with University College Cork, UNIDEV and Kimmage Development Studies Centre, "Commons against and beyond capitalism?" was a day-long Thinkery based around an exploration and conversation about the commons.

An introduction to the day was provided by Mary McDermott:

There was then a discussion by Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis, who invited attendees to listen, think and converse with others about anti-capitalist commoning. Based in New York, they are part of an international movement that asserts ‘commons’ can be the seeds of a society beyond state and market. An overview of their perspective on the commons can be found in the article Commons against and beyond capitalism from the CDJ Special Supplement "Commons Sense: New thinking about an old idea".

The afternoon focussed upon actual and emergent commoning in Ireland. Anne B. Ryan discussed her work on the radical concept of ‘enough’, and her practical experience of Community Supported Farming:


Resources from previous event "Commons Sense: A Thinkery on the Commons" can be found here.