Ethics in Community Development Webinar - Co-Editors' Presentation
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Ethics in Community Development Webinar - Co-Editors' Presentation

Ethics in Community Development Special Issue

The Community Development Journal and the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University (UK) held a webinar on 14th February 2023 to launch a special issue of the journal on "Ethics in Community Development".

This recorded presentation by the co-editors, Sarah Banks (Durham University, UK), Pradeep Narayanan (Praxis, India) and Lynda Shevellar (University of Queensland, Australia), discusses the importance of ethics in community development at micro, meso and macro levels. It makes reference to the challenging themes of some of the 11 articles in the special issue, ranging from respecting local norms while tackling conflict in the Lake Chad region, to dilemmas facing community-based practitioners in India, analysing neighbourhood opposition to people with disabilities in Lithuania, and developing community-based ethical contracts in the UK.

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