Queer and Trans Community Building in Post-NALSA and Post-377 India
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Cdj Publications

Queer and Trans Community Building in Post-NALSA and Post-377 India

I am very excited to see the publication of the most recent issue of the Community Development Journal (CDJ), which focuses on queer and trans lives and collectivity in India. The issue, titled Queer... read more »

50 years of the Community Development Journal

50th Anniversary Edition of the Community Development Journal available for FREE until14th February    For the past 50 years, since... read more »

"A chance to reassess the relation between the commons and community development": Kevin Harris on 'Commons Sense'

Kevin Harris has written an enthusiastic response to the recent Special Supplement on the commons: "The collection helped me appreciate how so many of the arguments and warnings about threats to the commons... read more »

Free Special Supplement: "Commons Sense: New thinking about an old idea"

We're delighted to announce that articles from the Community Development Journal Special Supplement on "the commons" are freely available for anyone to read on a permanent... read more »

NEW PUBLICATION: Participation in Community Development

  We are pleased to announce that Participation in Community Development: Problems and Possibilities is now available in digital form for the first time. First published in 2006, this volume reflects both shifts in policy and community development over a significant period of time, reflecting... read more »

CDJ Special Issue on Extractive Industries

16 August 2013 The CDJ Special Issue on Extractive Industries is now available. All articles will be freely available until the end of September. read more »

Materials now available from the Mental Health Special Issue Launch

8 May 2013 A report and presentation slides are now available from the CDJ Mental Health and Community Development Special Issue Launch Event. You can access them for free here. read more »

Cumulative Index of Articles

12 April 2013 In 2000 to mark the Millennium the CDJ Board commissioned Gary Craig, then the Editor of the Journal, to produce a complete Cumulative Index of articles and reviews published between 1966 when the journal started,... read more »

Publications and Papers

2012 Community Development in the Steel City:Democracy, Justice and Power in Pittsburgh A collection of papers examining the... read more »