Mental Health & Community Development - Special Issue Launch
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Mental Health & Community Development - Special Issue Launch

2012 saw the publication of the Community Development Journal's first ever Special Issue on Mental Health and Community Development (Volume 47, Issue 4).

A widely advertised and free launch event was held in London on 7 December 2013 to celebrate this publication and explore some of the key themes in the issue.

From this page you can download a report from the event and powerpoint slides from a number of the presentations.

Report of the Public Launch of Community Development Journal Special Issue on Mental Health and Community Development



Mental health and community development - deepening the relationship....?
Dr Lynne Friedli

Towards a paradigm shift from community care to community development
Mick Carpenter and Thara Raj

A 'bold but balanced' approach
Patience Seebohm

The Capabilities Approach, Adult Community Learning and Mental Health
Lydia Lewis

'Race on the Margins': The UK Government's Delivering Race Equality mental health programme
Gary Craig and Reg Walker; delivered by Mick Carpenter

Madness and Civilization: Starting a dialogue with and about madness in Ireland
Lydia Sapouna