Since 1966 the Community Development Journal (CDJ) has been the leading international journal in its field, covering a wide range of topics, reviewing significant developments and providing a forum for cutting-edge debates about theory and practice. It adopts a broad definition of community development... read more »
19th-22nd July 2015 Lexington, Kentucky, USA Registration for the Community Development Society’s Conference on “Creativity and Culture: Community Development - Approaches for Strengthening Health, Environment, Economic Vibrancy, Social Justice and Democracy” is now open. Full details can be found on the CDS website. Early... read more »
19-22 July 2015 Lexington, Kentucky, USA The theme of the 2015 CDS Conference is Creativity and Culture: Community Development Approaches for Strengthening Health, Environment, Economic Vibrancy, Social Justice and Democracy. The deadline for submissions is the 31st January 2015. For more information, and to submit an abstract online,... read more »
We've just put up a new page with information and resources from Commons Sense: A Thinkery on the Commons, which was held in Dublin during June. read more »