EVENT: Unitec Community Development Conference 2015
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EVENT: Unitec Community Development Conference 2015

18th - 20th February 2015 Unitech Institute of Technology, New Zealand Bringing together practitioners, academics and students to share their knowledge, research and stories about community development. Major themes include placemaking, community economic development, diverse communities and re-claiming democracy, with quality assured papers, poster presentations and... read more »

EVENT: Keib Thomas Community Development Memorial Lecture

11th February 2015 London Metropolitan University, UK Re-asserting the right to be heard: Manifesto for Organising Community Development for Social and Political Change - Post May 2015 This event is open to anyone with an interest in community development.  It is a forum for workers and practitioners. This... read more »

EVENT: Community Development Society Conference

19-22 July 2015 Lexington, Kentucky, USA The theme of the 2015 CDS Conference is Creativity and Culture: Community Development Approaches for Strengthening Health, Environment, Economic Vibrancy, Social Justice and Democracy. The deadline for submissions is the 31st January 2015. For more information, and to submit an abstract online,... read more »

Community development standards: Phase 2: the revised draft

The Federation for Community Development Learning (FCDL) are holding meetings on the occupational standards for community work on 13th November (in London) and 28th November (Leeds). FCDL is working with partners across the UK to review the Community Development National Occupational Standards... read more »

Thinkery on the Commons - resources now available

We've just put up a new page with information and resources from Commons Sense: A Thinkery on the Commons, which was held in Dublin during June. read more »

Commons Podcasts

Recordings from Commons Sense: A Thinkery on the Commons. To download the recordings as mp3 files, right-click "Listen" and select "save link as". Órla O’Donovan in conversation with Gustavo Esteva Listen - Part 1 Listen - Part 2 Bríd Smith discusses "The water is ours, damn it! Water... read more »

Commons Videos

Órla O'Donovan, Community Development Journal, in conversation with Gustavo Esteva, Mexican commoner, activist and post-development theorist. http://youtu.be/mLZGhyNWD70 Bríd Smith, People Before Profit, discusses The water is ours, damn it! Water Commoning in Bolivia by Alexander Dwinell & Marcela Olivera http://youtu.be/sZwUQlg1_og Frank Naughton, Kimmage DSC, discusses... read more »

Commons Sense: A Thinkery on the Commons

11 June 2014, Dublin Organised jointly by the Community Development Journal and Kimmage Development Studies Centre, the Thinkery on the Commons was a day of exploration and conversation about the commons. The Special Supplement Commons Senses: New thinking about an old idea... read more »

CDJ Symposium Programme

Day 1: Thursday 3rd September 2009 16:30 Delegate arrival and registration 17:30 Welcome Note: Editor and Chair of CDJ 20:00 ‘A Moveable Feast’ Day... read more »

CDJ Symposium Papers

Please be aware that most of these papers are in draft format. Permission from the author needs to be sought if you wish to quote or refer to any of the papers. Community development as ‘knowledge intersections’ in contemporary New Zealand. Jenny Aimers... read more »

CDJ Symposium

The following resources were generated during the 2009 CDJ Symposium, an event which brought together members of the journal's Editorial Board, the International Advisory Board... read more »

EVENT: Microfinance: The Better Alternative Conference

30th-31st October 2014 Kingscliff, Australia Northern Rivers Community Gateway are organising a conference focusing on the benefits of microfinance through financial and social inclusion, economic mobility, working with indigenous communities, developing sustainable community programmes and more. To take advantage of the early bird rate,... read more »

50th Anniversary Call for papers

Please note: this is an archived page. Resources generated from this event are available here.   Call for participation for the 50th anniversary conference Why Community Development?  Continuity and Innovation 1st-3rd July... read more »

EVENT: Community Development Society Annual Conference

20-23 July 2014 Dubuque, Iowa, USA Scholarships are available for the Community Development Society (CDS) annual international conference. The CDS Endowment was established as a sustainable fund to help members in a variety of ways, from attending the organisation's annual international conferences to enhancing the quality and... read more »

EVENT: Community is the answer

9th-11th June 2014 Glasgow, UK Registration for the IACD conference Community is the answer is now open. This major international gathering will showcase community-based solutions to issues of Health, Wealth and Power. It will allow community members, activists, practitioners, researchers and... read more »

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Community is the answer

9th-11th June 2014 Glasgow, UK (update: registration is now open) This event will explore some of the most significant local and global questions we face today in the context of the answer: community. How will we address the challenges of poverty? Of... read more »